Try It Out

I studied Theatre in college and I remember being told once by a teacher that if we (theatre majors) could imagine doing anything else with our lives, that we should do it. Working as a performer is hard work, usually doesn’t pay well, and the bulk of your job is facing rejection. My problem with that mentality is that i can imagine doing literally all things. To be a pilot? what freedom! To take over a family business and carry on the tradition and culture with integrity? Sounds so comforting! Building houses, having a farm? I want to try it all! I might not want to do it forever, but trying it out sounds exciting. What is it like to have an affair (without actually hurting anyone)? What is it like to grow and have a baby (but not actually maintain that responsibility if you’re not sure that is for you)? A la a tamer version of Rick and Morty, I wish i could transport between alternate timelines/dimensions and experience all the variations existence has to offer.

On tour, we would often find ourselves in towns “in between”. Towns that maybe aren’t on most lists for a vacation but fun, quirky, gorgeous, interesting (and some plain) towns where people LIVE and THRIVE and have DREAMS and LOVE people (and dogs). I imagined (and often wondered aloud to the chagrin of my bandmates) what it was like for the people who lived and worked in these towns? What does it feel like when you walk down the street on a Saturday? What does it smell like when it rains? There just isn’t TIME to experience every. place. I am so grateful that i felt a tiny sliver of so many places.

I was lucky enough to have my dear friend Jennifer DeFillippo make a cool music video for the demo version of this track. You can find it over at my YouTube page.