Album Storytelling

The music industry can be an unpredictable place to share one’s art. You can play one town and have 10 people show up, and in another fill an 800 person venue. You can have a video go viral, have people buy tickets because of it, and still be too broke to eat out when you get home from tour (or accept that debt is just a revolving door in your life.) It can also be where fans become friends, where followers share their troubles. These conversations can seem as intimate as one with someone you’ve known for years.

For this release, the first that is mine alone* I would like to try something different.

I’d like to share some writing as the music is released. It may be about how the song came to be, or maybe what it means to me now (in some cases years after it was written). It may be prose. It may be what the sounds invoke currently, or how it could have ended differently. I’d like to share more of me, with you.

This blog has largely been about my physical health, but so much of it is also connected to my inner self and my music. Everything is connected
Sharing is connection and I believe that’s why i’m here, to connect with others.
(yes i see the irony of leaving a life of full-time touring and perceived connection, and that during COVID i have become very comfortable with being a home-body. they are not mutually exclusive. choosing when to connect is also important (also boundaries.))


I hope that by posting about the tracks, the album, what came up for me while making it, where I’m at now, will be another source of connection.
I am not unique.
These struggles and joys are the echoes and shadows of many others’ if not in specifics, in broad emotion.

If it speaks to you: The post, the song, the album, I hope you’ll share it.
This is connection, thread by thread.

*it truly takes a village, but you know what i mean.